Thursday, July 28, 2011

HIBERNATE - Hibernate Plugin for Ganymede Eclipse 3.4.2

We can find good hibernate plug-ins available under the JBoss plug-ins for eclipse. The following steps takes you through the installation of the Hibernate Tools alone from the JBoss Website for Ganymede Eclipse 3.4.2.

1. Open your Eclipse Platform.

2. Go to Help->Software Updates->Available Software->Add Site

3. Add the Site

Add the Site
4. Select the Hibernate Tools from the list of available tools under JBoss and click on Install.

Select Hibernate Tools and Install
5. Review and continue with the installation.

Review and Finish the Installation
6. Allow the certificates to install the plugin.

Accept Certificates to install the plug-in
7. Restart Eclipse.

For installing other versions of the JBOSS Plug-in, refer to the following link that contains the update sites for different versions of Eclipse.

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